Justbeauty — the laboratory that honours natural beauty
Our wide range of prodÂucts from A to Z
JUSTBEAUTY & SHOP is your trusted source for beauty products for the whole family, from head to toe. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to unfold your beauty.
Glow Intense: Radiance and Youth for Your Skin
IntroÂducÂing the Glow Intense range, a 5‑product line designed to enhance your skin tone by up to one shade! This luxÂuÂriÂous colÂlecÂtion includes a 500ml body lightÂenÂing milk, a 200ml super lightÂenÂing face soap, a 200ml face lotion, a 50ml face serum, and a 50ml face cream, all infused with high-dose VitÂaÂmin C, NiaciÂnamide, Arbutin, SquaÂlene, and ColÂlaÂgen. ExpeÂriÂence the transÂforÂmaÂtion with Glow Intense: for balÂanced skin tone, reduced pigÂmenÂtaÂtion, and youthÂful radiÂance.
Founders Top 5 Favorites
“I had to give my opinÂion on this diaÂmond straight out of the JUSTBEAUTY labÂoÂraÂtoÂries. I startÂed using this oil this week, I repeat this week, my skin is too clean, too beauÂtiÂful I can’t believe it, I’m shocked at the result because my skin is shiny, radiÂant. I recÂomÂmend this marÂvel, don’t hesÂiÂtate, stock up like I did. NatÂurÂal prodÂucts to the page. JustÂbeauÂty I love you.
MerÂci merÂci beauÂcoup”
I’m too, too, too satÂisÂfied with my gel… it’s soft, pleasÂantÂly scentÂed, a prodÂuct that does its job, it keeps its promisÂes. I’ve only used it 3 times! HonÂestÂly, what this gel has done for my skin is “WaouhÂhh” and I felt a difÂferÂence from the first wash, the results were instanÂtaÂneous. I’ve finalÂly found my perÂfect exfoÂliant for my skinÂcare. At first I was a bit wary… I bought the prodÂuct out of curiosÂiÂty and I’ll buy it again and again out of conÂvicÂtion.
Well done to the proÂmotÂer, this prodÂuct is packed with talÂent. I recÂomÂmend it 2000%.
I’d like to come back and say that this sun cream leaves my skin moisÂturised and matt at the same time. If it wasÂn’t a sun cream, I’d honÂestÂly have applied it as part of my mornÂing and evening rouÂtine. What’s more, I love this forÂmat, it’s good valÂue and you can use it for a long time. Thank you JustÂbeauÂty.
I’ve been all over the cosÂmetÂics marÂket and I’ve nevÂer seen such a comÂplete exfoÂliÂatÂing showÂer gel and vitÂaÂmin C showÂer gel. My comÂplexÂion is even, I work in the health secÂtor and I use a lot of hydro-alcoÂholic gel, which damÂaged my skin, espeÂcialÂly my hands, which were dry, with hard, black knuckÂles. I looked for a soluÂtion in vain, until I came across justÂbeauÂty’s prodÂucts through elbelÂlus on tik tok. HalÂleluÂjah!!! I’ve finalÂly got rid of all my probÂlems, my skin is betÂter hydratÂed, natÂuÂralÂly brighter and clearÂer. Why hesÂiÂtate, come and try it and you won’t be disÂapÂpointÂed. This isn’t an advert, I’m just a cusÂtomer who’s very satÂisÂfied with the prodÂucts. Do as I did and you’ll see, we’re all in favour of natÂurÂal prodÂucts. Let’s think about the future and take care of ourÂselves natÂuÂralÂly. Let’s avoid whitenÂing prodÂucts that cause canÂcer. I’m from the medÂical proÂfesÂsion and I know what I’m talkÂing about. Thank you justÂbeauÂty for takÂing care of us with natÂurÂal prodÂucts. You realÂly know your stuff. May God inspire you again and again.
This soap is a nugget, leavÂing skin feelÂing soft and plump, with a delÂiÂcate scent remÂiÂnisÂcent of lemonÂgrass. TestÂed by chance on my dark underÂarms, what do I see after 3 days! My underÂarms are brighter, but nothÂing worked for me until now. Thank you JustÂbeauÂty for these prodÂucts! May you conÂtinÂue to make us more beauÂtiÂful.
I’ve been using colÂlaÂgen for a few weeks now and I’ve already noticed that I’m much more dynamÂic in my active life: my colÂleagues at work don’t recogÂnise me and my enerÂgy is amazÂing. When I wake up in the mornÂing I have no more aches or pains in my musÂcles, I’m already full of enerÂgy. I’m less out of breath. My cells seem to be regenÂerÂatÂing.
I’m very hapÂpy with what colÂlaÂgen from just beauÂty does for my body. I adhere and I a prodÂuct that suits me I know. colÂlaÂgen from just beauÂty waoouh.